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Haus des Dampfes
Welche E-Zigarette passt zu mir? Welche E-Zigarette passt zu dir? E-Zigarettendampfer sind so unterschiedlich, wie wir Menschen nun einmal sind. In diesem Artikel lernst du die verschiedenen Dampfer-Typen kennen. Grundsätzlich gibt es das Dampfen als MTL

Which e-cigarette is right for me?


Which e-cigarette is right for you?

E-cigarette vapers are as different as we humans are. In this article you will get to know the different types of steamers. Basically, vaping is available as MTL (Mouth to lung) and as DL (Direct lung). So you decide between these two options first. MTL corresponds to “normal” cigarette smoking. With DL, on the other hand, you draw directly into the lungs. This gives a lot more steam. E-cigarettes usually have a so-called air flow, which sucks in air through an opening. MTL, on the other hand, usually does not. But then there are additional options.

Find the right e-cigarette

You are individual. So far so clear. And of course you have your own ideas about what your e-cigarette should be like so that you feel comfortable with it. If you are still a beginner, high-end devices will quickly overwhelm you. If you are a habitual vaper, the starter packages are probably no longer for you. Let's take a look at some different performance and other parameters: - How much steam should there be? - Operation via a display? - External or built-in battery? - Size of the tank. - How important is intense taste to you? - Shape and color. - and much more You see, there are a lot of things that can influence your decision. Firstly there is the amount of vapor, do you just want some vapor, similar to a cigarette or do you want a huge cloud of vapor that will literally obscure your vision (also known as cloudchasing). You then have to decide whether the operation should be simple or adjustable. The previous daily amount of cigarettes influences the performance and/or the tank volume of the e-cigarette you choose. If you, as a chain smoker, choose an e-cigarette that has a small tank and a small battery, you will quickly have a problem.

Further decision criteria

There are e-cigarettes with a built-in battery and those with an external battery. Beginners usually opt for the permanently installed battery, which has between 1000 and 1500 mAH. External batteries, on the other hand, are not very popular among beginners. They can be removed and should, if possible, be charged externally. They usually have around 3500 mAH. The tank size also influences the decision. E-cigarettes for beginners usually have a tank that holds 2-4 ml. That would be far too little for professionals. They tend to use e-cigarettes with a tank that holds 4-5 ml or more. This means you don't have to refill it often. Coils (evaporator heads) are consumables that need to be purchased new every few weeks. In addition to the question of how many ohms of resistance they have and how much you vape them at, the price is of course also relevant here. As a beginner, you are well served with the different starter packs. They are all usually easy to handle and are offered in different performance levels. There are even some that look particularly elegant. So if you value that certain something, you will definitely find it. However, it is certainly important to you that your e-cigarette has no setting options. If you are no longer a beginner, you have a slightly larger selection. You already know your way around well enough to appreciate the small but subtle differences. In any case, you will definitely want to be able to adjust the wattages so that you can use different coils. Whether 0.25 ohms, 0.5 ohms or 0.7 ohms - it is quite important for you that your e-cigarette has the appropriate setting options. And as a professional, you no longer need this article. Maybe you still like it. We have now put together a small selection of steamer types for you. Let's see if you recognize yourself in one of the steamer types.

The beginner

You haven't been here long and you only recently bought your first e-cigarette - probably in a starter pack. After unpacking it, you tried it out immediately and replaced the liquid straight away. You have to test everything, right? Of course, you put the battery on the charger way too early and clean everything you can after each use. At least the first three days. After all, your new e-cigarette should look good for a long time, you want to show it off. And even if you have absolutely no idea about the small but subtle details, you tell everyone who wants to know - and everyone else - everything you think is worth knowing. Whether it's true or not is secondary. Do you recognize yourself here? Maybe you even look a little ashamed? No worries! Every beginner soon becomes an advanced user and therefore automatically a different type of steamer.

The occasional steamer

As an occasional steamer, you are an absolute pleasure seeker. Basically, you only buy high-quality e-cigarettes and even have a liquid that you mainly use. You don't switch back and forth between numerous flavors, but rather settle on one. But that doesn't stop you from having some very special liquids in stock for special occasions. And most likely you even own an electric pipe because it particularly expresses the feeling of pleasure when relaxing in the evening.

The scrounger

Who doesn't know him, the Schnorrer? As a scrounger, you don't ask yourself which e-cigarette is best for you because you will probably never buy one yourself. On the contrary! You are happy about everyone who has an e-cigarette in their hand and want to take a puff straight away. Finally, you consider getting one yourself. Who wants to take away your testing opportunity? If someone at some point gets fed up with your scrounging activities and gives you their own e-cigarette, you will accept it gratefully, but you will be on the mat even more often in the future. Ultimately, your e-cigarette needs to be regularly supplied with liquid. And buy it yourself? No thanks!

The bartender

You usually have a very high-quality e-cigarette, but are never really satisfied with the liquids on offer. That's why you mix your own mixtures like a bartender mixes cocktails. And of course you also want to find the ultimate flavor. The e-cigarette is almost secondary, but it has to be good.

The imitator

As a copycat, you invest a lot in e-cigarettes. You always buy one when you see a famous person wearing it. And since VIPs rarely have to pay attention to prices, you have a sizable collection of high-quality e-cigarettes at home. And of course you also have matching batteries, battery carriers and vaporizers - to match your shoes.

The collector

You have many more e-cigarettes than the copycat. But you don't limit yourself to them. You also have numerous e-pipes and e-cigars. And all in different colors and shapes, after all you are a collector. You probably also have a chic display case in which your best pieces are shown off to their best advantage. And whenever a new thing comes out, you're probably the first to have it.

The hobbyist

As a hobbyist, you also have a fair amount of e-cigarettes. This is by far not everything. In your case it looks more like you produce e-cigarettes yourself. You're constantly tinkering with things, trying to invent improvements and leaving no stone unturned to pimp the e-cigarette. And every now and then you also compete with the bartender, because your e-cigarettes also need the best taste.

The door cleaner

Do you still know those people who ring doorbells everywhere to sell their things? You're so similar! As soon as you see someone smoking a - oh horror - real cigarette, you rush towards them and try to convince them about e-cigarettes. You always have a few good ones with you so that the smoker can taste the benefits straight away. And if that doesn't help, you can conjure up three studies from your sleeve that promise a longer life if the smoker switches to e-cigarettes immediately. The good thing about it: As a door cleaner, you're absolutely right! There are other types of steamers, but all joking aside. You actually wanted to know which e-cigarette suits you best. And if you still don't know which e-cigarette is right for you, then contact us! We would be happy to advise you.

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